私のB-Pスピリット研究 ②


―― Scouting is a Game. ――

 ボーイスカウトの創始者B-P(Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell 1857.2.22-1941.1.8)は、ボーイスカウトを進めるにあたって、多くの本を著しています。私は、それを読むことを通して、B-Pの考えを知り、ボーイスカウト活動を進めるための手本にしようと若い時より思っていました。でも、邦訳されたB-Pの著書の読解は、私にとってはけっこう難解で、消化不良というのが私の感覚でした。
 I have posted materials as being in the public domain or as quotations. If this conduct is restricted by other conditions, please point it out.

  ① ボーイスカウト運動についての諸考察 (2014.10.5)
  ② スカウティングに託されたB-Pスピリット (2019.8.27)
  ③ 「隊長の手引」に記されたB-Pスピリット (2015.8.14)
ローバーリング ツウ サクセス に記されたB-Pスピリット (2015.8.15)
  ⑤ 「パトロール システム」に記されたフィリップスのスピリット (2015.9.26)
  ⑥ 進歩制度に託されたB-Pスピリット (2015.10.14)
  ⑦ 信仰の奨励に託されたB-Pスピリット (2015.10.12)
  ⑧ 野外活動に託されたB-Pスピリット (2015.11.29)
  ⑨ スカウト運動に託したB-Pスピリット (2016.7.14)
  ⑩ “ちかい”と“おきて”に託したB-Pスピリット (2016.12.12)
  ◎ ベーデン-パウエルのラストメッセージ B-P's Last Message
  ⑪ ボーイスカウト研究 (1979.12.14)
  ⑫ ボーイスカウト実践記 (1980.4.28)
  ⑬ ボーイスカウト活動プログラムの紹介 (1998.6.20)
  ⑭ 《資料》 スカウティング フォア ボーイズ 序文(1940年)
  ⑮ 《資料》B-Pの1926年の講演「ボーイスカウト・ガールガイド運動における宗教」



 By means of this book I hope that anyone, even without previous knowledge of scouting, may be able to teach it to boys in town just as well as in the country.
 The system is applicable to existing organisations such as schools, boys' brigades, cadet corps, etc., or can supply a simple organisation of its own where these do not exist. But in all cases I would strongly commend the "Patrol" system: that is, small permanent groups, each under responsible charge of a leading boy, as the great step to success.
 I recommend the Instructor to begin with a Patrol of eight boys if possible, and when these have qualified as "First-class Scouts" to select the best five or six to raise each a patrol of his own and instruct it under his (the Instructor's) supervision.

 この本(スカウティング フォア ボーイズ)を用いることにより、スカウティングの予備知識がなくても、誰でも、町だけでなく田舎の少年たちにもそれを教えることができるようになることを願っています。
 このシステムは、学校、少年旅団、士官候補生隊などの既存の組織に適用でき、また、これらが存在しない場合には独自の単純な組織を提供することもできます。しかし、すべての場合において、私は"パトロール"システム("Patrol" system)を強く推奨します。これは、少人数の恒常的な(=一時的ではない)仲間集団の一群(small permanent groups)であり、それぞれがリーダーである一人の少年の責任の下にある(each under responsible charge of a leading boy)というものです。これが成功への大きなステップになります。

 The key to successful education is not so much to teach the pupil as to get him to learn for himself. The subject to be instilled must be made to appeal, and you must lure your fish with a succulent worm, not with a bit of hard, dry biscuit.
 Our system for developing the boys is to lead them on to pass tests in various qualifications, handicrafts, etc., such as are likely to be of value to them in their future careers. Thus we have badges for electricians, horsemen, farmers, gardeners, musicians, carpenters and so on in addition to the actual Scouts' badges of first and second class, testifying to their capabilities in swimming, pioneering, cooking, woodmanship, boat management, and other points of manliness and handiness. We encourage personal responsibility in the boy for his own physical development and health : and we trust in his honour and expect him to do a good turn to someone every day.
from “Our Remedy and its Application” / PRINCIPLES AND METHODS / SCOUTING FOR BOYS


 The sure way to make a failure of your effort is to begin with too many boys at first. I recommend about eight to begin with, as a nucleus of your Troop.
 The next step is to select the best of your boys to be Leaders of the different Patrols, and then to give then a special training in their Scout work and duties.
 The dividing of the boys into permanent Patrols of from six to eight and treating them as separate units each under its own responsible Leader is the key to success with a Troop.
 The Patrol is the unit of Scouting whether for work or for play, for discipline or for duty.

 (これの後に、)少年たちを6人から8人の恒常的な班(permanent Patrols)に組み分け、それぞれその責任を負うリーダー(班長)のもとの別個の単位集団(units)として扱います。これが隊として成功するための鍵です。
 班(Patrol)は、スカウティングのすべての基本単位(the unit)です。作業においても、遊びにおいても、修練においても、任務においても、です。

 The Scout section should not contain more than between thirty and forty boys, otherwise the Scoutmaster would have to be superhuman to give each boy the required individual attention.

 スカウトの一隊(Scout section)は30人から40人の間とし、それより多くしてはいけません。そうしないと、隊長(Scoutmaster)は、各々の少年に必要な個別の注意を払うために、超人でなければならないようになってしまいます。

 A nation to be powerful and prosperous must be well disciplined, and you only get discipline in the mass by discipline in the individual. By discipline I mean patient obedience to authority and to other dictates of duty.
 This cannot be got by repressive measures, but by encouragement and by educating the boy first in self-discipline and in sacrificing of self and selfish pleasures for the benefit of others.  This teaching is largely reflected by means of example, by putting responsibility upon him and by expecting a high standard of trustworthiness from him.
 Responsibility is largely given through the Patrol System by holding the Leader responsible for what goes on amongst his boys.
 There lies our work.


 《 discipline:訓育(する)、修行(する)、しつけ(る)、懲戒(する)、(人が)自己管理(できるようにする)、鍛錬、修養、規律、自制(心)、等の意味があります。》

 The object of a camp is (a) to meet the boy’s desire for the open-air life of the Scout, and (b) to put him completely in the hands of his Scoutmaster for a definite period for individual training in character and initiative and in physical and moral development.
 These objects are to a great extent lost if the camp be a big one. The only discipline that can there be earned out is the collective military form of discipline, which tends to destroy individuality and initiative instead of developing them; and, owing to there being too many boys for the ground, military drill has to a great extent to take the place of scouting practices and nature study.
 So it results that Scouts’ camps should be small - not more than one Troop camped together; and even then each Patrol should have its own separate tent at some distance (at least 100 yards) from the others. This latter is with a view to developing the responsibility of the Patrol Leader for his distinct unit. And the locality of the camp should be selected for its Scouting facilities.
from “Object of Camping” / October, 1909 / The Scouter / B.-P.'S OUTLOOK

 キャンプの目的は、(a)少年の欲望に、スカウトの野外ライフを出会わせること、および(b)一人ひとりの 品性・人格(character)、独創力・率先力(initiative)、それらの肉体的道徳的育成の訓練のために、一定期間、少年を隊長(Scoutmaster)の手に完全に委ねることです。
 ですから、スカウトのキャンプは小さな規模でなくてはなりません。― せいぜい一個隊(Troop)以下でキャンプを行い、そして各班(Patrol)はある程度の距離(少なくとも100ヤード)をおいて独自の個別テントを持つ必要があります。この後者は、班長(Patrol Leader)の、彼が受け持つ集団における責任感の育成を視野に入れています。また、キャンプ地は、スカウティングの設備設営や技量発揮(facilities)に適した場所を選ぶべきです。

 Some few Scoutmasters are still behind the time, and consequently their Troops are behind the average, in not making sufficient use of their Patrol Leaders.
 They ought to give the sub-officers as much liberty of action as they like to get themselves from their District Associations or Commissioners.
 They must hold the Patrol Leader responsible for everything good or bad that occurs in his Patrol.
 They must put responsibility upon him, let him do his job, and if he makes mistakes let him do so, and show him afterwards where he went wrong ― in this way only can he learn. Half the value of our training is to be got by putting responsibility on young shoulders. It is especially valuable for taming the wilder spirits; it gives them a something which they like to take up instead of their equally heroic but less desirable hooligan pursuits.
from “Patrol Leaders” / April, 1910 / The Scouter / B.-P.'S OUTLOOK

 少数の隊長(Scoutmasters)がまだ班長(Patrol Leaders)を十分に活用していないという実態があり、そのためその隊(Troops)は平均より遅れてしまっています。
 隊長は、班長に責任を負わせ、班長に仕事をさせ、もしその班長が間違いを犯したなら、その班長にその対処をさせ、その後、その班長に間違ったところを指摘するようにします。 ― 班長は、この方法によってのみ学ぶことができるのです。私たちの訓練の価値の半分は、責任を若い肩に負わせることによって成し遂げるというところにあります。これは野生の気性を飼いならす場合に特に有効です。勇壮ではあるが嫌われ者のごろつき(hooligan)であっても、好んで取り組んでくれるものを彼らに与えます。

 Efficiency Badges
 We have recently approved of a number of badges of efficiency, which it is hoped will serve as encouragement to Scouts to qualify themselves as useful men, whether at home or in a colony.
 These badges are merely intended as an encouragement to a boy to take up a hobby or occupation and to make some sort of progress in it: they are a sign to an outsider that he has done so; they are not intended to signify that he is a master in the craft which he is tested in. Therefore, the examiners should not aim at too high a standard, especially in the first badge.
 Some are inclined to insist that their Scouts should be first-rate before they can get a badge. That is very right, in theory; you get a few boys pretty proficient in this way but our object is to get all the boys interested, and every boy started on one or two hobbies, so that he may eventually find that which suits him the best and which may offer him a career for life.
from “Efficiency Badges” / April, 1910 / The Scouter / B.-P.'S OUTLOOK


 ※日本で技能章と呼んでいるバッジを、B-Pは、当初、Efficiency Badges と命名しています。後に Proficiency Badges と改名しています。アメリカでは Merit Badges と呼んでいます。

 I strongly advise small camps of about half a dozen Patrols; each Patrol in a separate tent and on separate ground (as suggested in Scouting for Boys), so that the Scouts do not feel themselves to be part of a big herd, but members of independent responsible units.
 Patrols should be kept intact under all circumstances.
from “Camps” / June, 1910 / The Scouter / B.-P.'S OUTLOOK

 私は、6個ほどの班(Patrols)からなる小規模キャンプを強く推奨します。それぞれの班(Patrol)は、(スカウティング フォア ボーイズ で提示したように)別々のテントそして離れた場所でキャンプします。それによりスカウトたちは、自分たちは大きな群れの一部ではなく、独立した責任ある部隊の一員であると感じるようになります。

 The best progress is made in those Troops where power and responsibility are really put into the hands of the Patrol Leaders. It is the secret of success with many Scoutmasters, when once they have half-a-dozen Patrol Leaders, really doing their work as if they were Assistant Scoutmasters. The Scoutmasters find themselves able to go on and increase the size of their Troops by starting new Patrols or adding recruits to existing ones.
 Expect a great deal of your Patrol Leaders and nine times out of ten they will play up to your expectation; but if you are going always to nurse them and not to trust them to do things well, you will never get them to do anything on their own initiative.
from “Patrol Leaders” / June, 1910 / The Scouter / B.-P.'S OUTLOOK

 最高の発展は、班長の権限と責任が実際に彼らの手に置かれている隊で成し遂げられます。多くの隊長の成功の秘訣は、六人の班長がいるならば、彼らを正に副長(Assistant Scoutmasters)のように仕事をさせるということです。隊長は、新しい班を開始するか、既存の班に新人を追加することで、自分の隊を維持しそして大きくすることができることに気付くことになります。

 The best form of instruction of all for a Scoutmaster to give is by the force of example.
 It is essential if he is going to succeed in putting the right character into his boys that he should himself practise what he preaches. Boys are imitative, and what the Scoutmaster gives off, that they pick up and reflect. Instructions, and especially orders, are apt to have different and even opposite effects with boys ― order a boy not to smoke and he is at once tempted to try it as an adventure; but give him the example, show him that any fool can smoke but a wise Scout doesn’t, and it is another matter.
 Therefore, it is of first importance that every Scout-master, with this great responsibility on his shoulders, should examine himself very closely, suppress any of the minor faults which he may ― in fact, is bound to ― possess, and train himself to practise what he preaches, so as to give the right example to his lads for the shaping of their lives, characters, and careers.
from “Playing the Game” / July, 1910 / The Scouter / B.-P.'S OUTLOOK

 少年に正しい品性・人格(character)を身に付けさせようとするならば、自分が説いていることを自分自身が実践するということが不可欠です。少年は真似をするものであり、隊長のすることをすぐに真似します。指示(instructions)、特に命令(orders)は、少年には異なる結末、反対の効果をもたらします。― 少年に喫煙しないよう命令しても、彼は一度冒険としてそれをしようとする誘惑にかられます。しかし、隊長自ら模範(example)を示し、愚か者は喫煙できるが賢明なスカウトは喫煙しないことを見せれば、それは違った結果になります。
 したがって、隊長としてまず大切なことは、隊長の肩には大きな責任がのっていることを認識し、自分自身を振り返り、あるかもしれない ― 実際あるであろう ― 自分の欠点を抑え、自分が説くことを実践するために自ら鍛え、若者たちに、彼らの人生、品性・人格(characters)、キャリア形成のための正しい手本(example)を示せるようにすることです。

 In a small camp so very much can be done by example. You are living among your boys and are watched by each of them, and imitated unconsciously by them, and probably unobserved by yourself.
 If you are lazy they will be lazy; if you make cleanliness a hobby it will become theirs; if you are clever at devising camp accessories, they will become rival inventors, and so on. But don’t do too much of what should be done by the boys themselves, see that they do it ― “when you want a thing done don’t do it yourself” is the right motto. When it is necessary to give orders, the secret for obtaining obedience is to know exactly what you want done and to express it very simply and very clearly. If you add to the order an explanation of the reason for it, it will be carried out with greater willingness and much greater intelligence. If you add to the order and its explanation a smile, you will get it carried out with enthusiasm ― or, remember, “a smile will carry twice as far as a snarl.” A pat on the back is a stronger stimulus than a prick with a pin.
 EXPECT a great deal of your boys and you will generally get it.
from “Discipline” / September, 1911 / The Scouter / B.-P.'S OUTLOOK

 もしあなたが怠け者なら少年たちも怠け者になるでしょう。もしいつも清潔にしていれば彼らもそうするでしょう。もしあなたがキャンプで使うちょっとした小物をうまく作れば、少年たちは直ちにライバルの創作者になることでしょう。しかし、少年自身がすべきことにはあまり手を出さないでください。彼らがそれを行うのを見ていてください。―「何かをさせたいなら、自分は手出ししないこと」が正しいモットーです。命令(orders)を出さなければならなくなったとき、それに従わせるための秘訣は、させたいことをあなたが正確に把握し、それを極めて単純かつ明瞭に伝えることです。命令にその理由の説明を付け加えると、意欲と工夫が向上します。命令とその説明にさらに微笑みを加えると、熱意を持って実行してくれます。― または「微笑みは怒声の二倍の効果をもたらす」と覚えておいてください。背中を軽くたたいてあげれば、それはピンで刺すよりも強い刺激になります(励ますは叱るよりも強し)。

 The winter will soon be upon us, and unless plans are drawn up in good time, one finds that it is liable to be over before they have got well into working order.
 One suggestion is to go steadily over the whole course given in Scouting for Boys, and I think this a very good one because most Scoutmasters and Scouts, after reading the book, carry out the ideas in it rather according to what they remember of them, and add new ones on similar lines (which is what I like to see), but without much further reference to the book, and in the end a good many minor points are apt to get dropped out of the training ― and though they may be small and apparently insignificant, they all have their meaning. Take, for instance, the suggestions on cleaning teeth and making camp tooth-brushes; it is a little point which has probably quite dropped out of recollection in some Troops, but it is nevertheless quite an important one in its way; and there are hundreds of others like it. Then tenderfoots will probably have joined Troops which were originally trained, before they came, on the lines of the book, but they have only come in for the subsequent form of training, and so know little of the original teaching. Scoutmasters themselves on re-reading the book after the interval will probably see some of its points in quite a new light. So, for various reasons, it may in many cases be well to run through the book training during the winter months.
from “Winter Training of Scouts” / October, 1911 / The Scouter / B.-P.'S OUTLOOK


 One of the most important possibilities before us lies in the direction of Education. We have by other lines arrived at much the same conclusions as have the education authorities through their experiences.
 This is briefly, that the secret of sound education is TO GET EACH PUPIL TO LEARN FOR HIMSELF, INSTEAD OF INSTRUCTING HIM BY DRIVING KNOWLEDGE INTO HIM ON A STEREOTYPED SYSTEM. The method is to lead the boy on to tackle the OBJECTIVE of his training, and not to bore him with the preliminary steps at the outset. The education authorities have come to recognise us as would-be helpers in the same field, the aim of both of us being to produce healthy, prosperous citizenship. They take the intellectual development, we go rather more for the development of “character,” and that, after all, is the most important attribute for prevention of the social diseases of slackness and selfishness, and gives the best chance to a man of a successful career in any line of life.
 We are endeavouring to help the education authorities in every way that we can. They are working entirely in accord with us in a number of important centres.
from “Education” / January, 1912 / The Scouter / B.-P.'S OUTLOOK


 Boys of whatever origin are equally attracted by Scouting: once they find themselves in the same uniform, under the same promise, working for the same ends, inspired with the same ideals, and competing in the same games, they forget their respective little differences and feel that they are brother-Scouts before all. If a sufficient number of them are encouraged to take up Scouting, this must in the next generation go a considerable way to abolishing the present absurd jealousies between localities. If the ties of the brotherhood can be strengthened by mutual interchange of correspondence and of visits, a further link will be forged for consolidating our Empire by the development of personal sympathy and sense of comradeship between the manhood of all the different overseas States and the Mother Country.
 Should the Scout Movement develop on to a more general footing, then I have no doubt whatever that the same principle of “brotherhood” will extend its influence for good among those who will be the men of the different nations within the next few years, and must, of necessity, prove a genuine factor for the maintenance of peace where they are in personal touch and sympathy with each other.
from “Overseas Scouts” / June, 1913 / The Scouter / B.-P.'S OUTLOOK

 どんな出身・出自の少年であっても、スカウティングに等しく魅力を感じます。同じユニフォーム、同じおきての下、同じ目的で働き、同じ理想に触発され、そして同じゲームに参加すると、彼らはそれぞれの小さな違いを忘れ、何よりも彼らは兄弟スカウトだと感じることになります。彼らの十分多くがスカウティングを続けるよう奨励されるならば、地域間に現在ある不条理な妬みは、次の世代には消失してしまうに違いありません。文通や相互訪問によって兄弟愛(brotherhood)の絆を強化できるならば、すべての海外連邦領と母国との間に、人への思いやり(sympathy)や僚友意識(sense of comradeship)が育ち、私たちの帝国を強化するためのさらなる絆が構築されるでしょう。

 I see that in one of the newspapers lately the original inventor of Scouting has discovered himself.
 He is the fourth who has done so within the last four years. I was under the impression that the original founder, Epictetus, died many hundreds of years ago.(from“Where Drill Fails” / January, 1914 / The Scouter)
 The other inventors of Scouting invariably give the dates on which they hit on the idea, so it may be interesting to some who are not already aware of the origin of our scheme if I give a few facts about our particular Boy Scouts.
 The first idea of such training came to me a very long time ago when training soldiers. When I was adjutant of my regiment in 1883 I wrote my first handbook on training soldiers by means which were attractive to them, developing their character for campaigning as much as their drill-ability. This was followed by another, and yet a third in 1898. This latter, Aids to Scouting, came somehow to be used in a good many schools and by captains of Boys’ Brigades, and other organisations for boys, in spite of the fact that it had been written entirely for soldiers. I therefore rewrote it for developing character in boys by attractions which appealed more directly to them.
 The uniform, in every detail, was taken from a sketch of myself in the kit which I wore in South Africa, 1887 and 1896, and in Kashmir in 1897-8.
Our badge was taken from the “North Point” used on maps for orientating them with the North; it was sanctioned for use for Trained Scouts in the Army in 1898.
 Our motto, “Be Prepared,” was the motto of the South African Constabulary, in which I served.
 Many of our ideas were taken from the customs of the Zulus and Red Indians, and Japanese, many were taken from the code of the Knights of the Middle Ages, many were cribbed from other people, such as Cuhulain of Ireland, Dr. Jahn, Sir W. A. Smith, Thompson Seton, Dan Beard, etc., and some were of my own invention !
from “The Origin of Scouting for Boys” / January, 1914 / The Scouter / B.-P.'S OUTLOOK

 (スカウティングフォアボーイズに至る)訓練についての最初のアイデアは、かなり以前、兵士を訓練する際に私が思いついたものです。1883年、私が連隊の副官だった時、私は、兵士たちにとって魅力的な手段で訓練し、訓練能力と同様に作戦行動に適した品性を育成するための最初のハンドブック(Reconnaissance and Scouting 偵察と斥候術 1884年)を書きました。それは続いて第二作(Calvary Instruction 騎兵教範 1885年)、そして1898年に第三作へと続きました。これの後者、「スカウティング(斥候術)の手引」は、もっぱら兵士のために書かれたものであるにもかかわらず、何故か多くの学校でよく使用され、またボーイズブリゲードの隊長やその他の少年の組織でも使用されました。ですから、私は少年たちの品性・人格(character)の育成のためにより直接的にアピールする魅力あるものとなるようにこれを書き直しました。
 私たちのモットーである “Be Prepared”(そなえよつねに) は、私が務めた南アフリカ警察隊のモットーでした。
 私たちのアイデアは、多くはズールー族とレッドインディアン、それから日本人の習慣から、多くは中世の騎士団の戒律から、また多くはアイルランドのクー・フーリン(ケルト神話の半神半人の英雄)、ヤーン博士(1778-1852 ドイツの教育者 体操の指導者)、W.A.スミス卿(1854-1914 ボーイズブリゲード創設者)、トンプソン・シートン(1860-1946 イギリス出身の博物学者、「シートン動物記」著者)、ダン・ベアード(1850-1941 アメリカボーイスカウト構築者の一人)などのような人々から得られたものであり、そしていくつかは私自身の発明でした!

 A boy does not really get the value of the Scout training until he is a First-class Scout. The Second-class is only a step to that standing.
 When a boy has become a First-class Scout - but not before then - he has got a grounding in the qualities, mental, moral, and physical, that go to make a good useful man. I don’t consider a boy is a real Scout till he has passed his first-class tests.
from “First-class Scout” / February, 1914 / The Scouter / B.-P.'S OUTLOOK

 少年は1級スカウトになったとき ― それ以前ではありません ― 彼は善良な役に立つ男になるための、精神的、道徳的、および身体的資質の基盤が築かれたということです。 私は少年が1級のテストに合格するまでは本当のスカウトだとは思っていません。

 Many Scoutmasters and others did not, at first, recognise the extraordinary value which they could get out of the Patrol system if they liked to use it, but I think that most of them seem to be realising this more and more. The Patrol system, after all, is merely putting your boys into permanent gangs under the leadership of one of their own number, which is their natural organisation whether bent on mischief or for amusement. But to get first-class results from this system you have to give the leader a real freehanded responsibility ― if you only give partial responsibility you will only get partial results. By thus using your Leaders as officers you save yourself an infinite amount of the troublesome detail work. At the same time, the main object is not so much saving the Scoutmaster trouble as to give responsibility to the boy, since this is the very best of all means for developing character. It is generally the boy with the most character who rises to be the leader of a mischief gang. If you apply this natural scheme to your own needs it brings the best results.
 It is the business of the Scoutmaster to give the aim, and the several Patrols in a Troop vie with each other in attaining it, and thus the standard of keenness and work is raised all round.
from “Patrols” / May, 1914 / The Scouter / B.-P.'S OUTLOOK

 当初、多くの隊長(Scoutmasters)や他の人たちは、パトロールシステム(Patrol system)から得られる特別な価値を認識していませんでした。でも今日ではほとんどの人がこれを認識しつつあるようです。パトロールシステムは、少年を、単に、仲間の一人のリーダーシップのもとにある恒常的ギャング集団に入れているだけのことです。それは、いたずらや娯楽をたしなむ自然な組織です。しかしこのシステムから一流の結果を得るためには、そのリーダーに本当の意味の自由裁量のもとの責任を与える必要があります。― 部分的な責任では、部分的な結果しか得られません。このようにこのリーダーを隊の幹部として活用することにより、隊長の面倒で細かい作業を無限に節約できます。同時にこれの主な目的は、隊長の労苦を軽減することではなく、少年に責任を与えることです。これは、品性・人格(character)を育成するためのすべての手段の中で最も良いからです。通常、いたずらギャングのリーダーになるのは、最も品性・人格(character)の高い少年です。この自然な工夫・企図(scheme)を自分のニーズに適用すれば、最良の結果が得られます。

 The calmness and the cheerfulness of trained Scouts when doing their work has often been commented upon. It is what results from giving them aims and ambitions which they can carry out for themselves, and from which they can gain personal satisfaction. The secret of the Montessori system is that the teacher merely organizes the work, suggests the ambition, and the child has full liberty in accomplishing the object aimed for. Freedom without organised aim would be chaos. It is for this reason, without doubt, that Scouting has been defined as the continuation of the Montessori system with boys. The Scoutmaster initiates the ambition in the boy, leaving him free to gain his objective in his own way - he does not instruct, he leads the boy on to learn for himself.
 Thus it is that as he successfully accomplishes one step after another the boy develops the calmness of confidence and self-reliance, and the cheerfulness of freedom and triumph.
 Calmness and cheerfulness are much needed in our citizens of to-day.
from “Calm and Cheery” / August, 1914 / The Scouter / B.-P.'S OUTLOOK

 訓練されたスカウトが仕事をしているときの落ち着き(calmness)と朗らかさ(cheerfulness)がよく話題になります。それは、彼らが自分で実行できる目的と志を与えられること、そして個人的な満足を得ることができるという結果によるものです。モンテッソーリ教育システムの秘訣は、教師はただ仕事を編成・整理し、志を示唆するだけであり、子どもは目指す目的を達成する完全な自由(liberty)を持っているということです。組織化された目的のない自由・放任(freedom)では混沌を招きます。スカウティングが、モンテッソーリシステムを少年向けに引き継ぐものと定められているのは、間違いなくこの理由からです。隊長(Scoutmaster)は、少年に志を芽生えさせ、彼が自分なりの方法で目的を達成できるように自由にさせます。― 彼は、教えるのではなく、少年が自分で学ぶように導くのです。

 Concentration in education can only be obtained when the work to be done is suited to the tastes and abilities of the learner.
 The natural instinct of the infant is to develop itself by exercise which we call “Play.” It has an inherent desire to accomplish; the young child wants to do things and to overcome difficulties to its own satisfaction.
 Dr. Montessori has proved that by encouraging a child in its natural desires, instead of instructing it in what you think it ought to do, you can educate it on a much more solid and far-reaching basis. It is only tradition and custom that ordain that education should be a labour, and that as such it is good training for the child in discipline and application.
 One of the original objects of Scouting for Boys was to break through this tradition and to show that, by giving attractive pursuits to the young, one could lead them to develop for themselves the essentials of character, health, and handiness.
 The aim of the Proficiency Badge is to encourage self-education on the part of the boy in a subject which interests him.
from “Self-education” / January, 1916 / The Scouter / B.-P.'S OUTLOOK

 スカウティング フォア ボーイズ の本来の目的の一つは、この伝統を打ち破り、若者に魅力的な追求対象を与えることによって、品性・人格(character)、健康、器用さ(handiness)という人に必須の要素を、彼自ら伸ばすことができることを示すことでした。
 技能章(Proficiency Badge:熟練・技量認証バッジ)のねらいは、少年が興味を抱いた課目について、少年の側で自己学習することを励ますものです。

 There are two fundamental points to be considered in dealing with the Cubs. The first is that tl1e only man who can hope for real success as a trainer of Cubs is the one who can be their “elder brother.” The “commanding officer” is no good, and the “schoolmaster” is doomed to failure (though probably in neither case would the man recognise it himself, or admit it). This fact is being proved daily by the successful results already obtained by our Cubmasters, many of whom, of course, are ladies.
 By the term “elder brother” I mean one who can place himself on terms of comradeship with his boys, entering into their games and laughter himself, thereby winning their confidence and putting himself into that position which is essential for teaching, namely ― where, by his own example, he leads them in the right direction instead of being a finger post, often too high above their heads, merely pointing the way.
 But do not misunderstand me and imagine that I ask the Cubmaster to be “soft” and “namby pamby.” Far otherwise; comradeship necessitates firmness and straightness if it is to be of lasting value.
 The second item to recognise, although it is of first importance, is that the boy of eight to ten is in every way quite different from the boy of eleven to fifteen. I don’t mean that the change comes about with a bang in the tenth year, but the younger boy is growing relatively, in mind and body, more rapidly than the elder one, and the transition gradually comes about approximately at those ages in the average boy.
 It may be taken for granted that boys of Cub age have these following propensities, namely ― to lie, to be selfish, to be cruel, and to be bombastic or pharisaical; but it must be at once recognised that these attributes are not born of malicious design, they are rather the natural outcome of the peculiar attitude of mind at that age. It has to be recognised that while the elder boy ― he of Scout age ― is full of hero-worship and eagerness to work in a gang under a good Leader and in competition with other gangs, especially in chivalrous service, the younger boy, just emerging from the chrysalis of childhood, is more of an individual, feeling his feet, as it were, more self-centred, for the first time finding himself able to do things, anxious to do things himself and to make things, and the moment that he achieves a step of any kind he is prone to “show off.” He is only just out of the age of toys, and is still very much in the land of make-believe. He is eager to have, but not to give. He is at the most mouldable period of his life.
 Thus there are many seeds of evil beginning to sprout into pliant tendrils ready to trail off in wrong directions, but easily taken in hand and trained aright.
 The question which troubles many of us is, how can this best be done?
 It is evident that the Cubmaster must be quick to recognise the evil points where they show themselves. The very usual process on the part of parents who have forgotten their childhood is at once to repress such propensities in the rare cases where they have been smart enough to recognize them; but repression is the very worst possible line to take. It is the cutting of shoots which makes them branch out into more devious growths; it tends to make the boy to lie more cunningly, to secrete his selfishness, and to put a better gloss on his hypocrisy.
from “The Wolf Cub's Handbook” / 1916

 「兄貴」というのは、自分と男の子たちと同志・仲間になれる(comradeship)人を意味します。彼らのゲームに参加して、自分自身も笑います。それによって彼らの信頼を勝ち取り、教える者としての不可欠な位置に身を置くことができるのです。すなわち ― それは指図によってではなく、自分自身の手本・実例・模範(example)により、彼らを正しい方向に導くのです。時には彼らの頭上のとても高い位置に身を置き、道標となるのです。
 カブ年齢の男の子は、次のような傾向があります。 ― すなわち、うそをつく、わがままである、残酷である、そしておおげさで、または独善的であるということです。しかし、これらの属性は悪意から生まれたものではなく、むしろその年齢における独特の心理の自然な結果であることを了解しなければなりません。年長の少年 ― スカウト年齢の少年 ― は、英雄崇拝に満ちており、良いリーダーのもとでのギャング集団的な行動、他のギャング集団との競争、とりわけ年下の少年に対する騎士道的な奉仕(chivalrous service)に熱中します。幼児というさなぎから出てきたばかりの子(カブ年齢の子)は、とても自己中心的に見えます。自分でできるということを初めて知り、それを自分自身でやりたがり、そしてそれを成し遂げた時は「見せびらかし」たがるものです。彼はまだおもちゃ時代を通り過ぎたばかりであり、信じきれない未知の土地に踏み入れたという存在なのです。彼は何でも欲しがります、でも与えたくはありません。彼は彼の人生で最も柔らかく成形しやすい時期にいるのです。

 The Camping Season
 Lots of Woodcraft and Nature Study should be our Aim.
 Most Troops seem to have arranged their work for helping “on the land,” and no better aim could they have just now. But to Scoutmasters in charge I would say ― give your boys all you can of woodcrraft and Nature study; of pioneering and pathfinding actually in practice. The Nature study should be a real close touch with Nature, far beyond the academic dipping into the subject which passes under the name in school. Collecting, whether of plants or “bugs,” and investigation, whether of beasts or birds, are all-absorbing studies for the boy and mighty good for him.
 Don’t let your camping be the idle boring picnic that it can become when carried out on military lines. Scouting and backwoodsmanship is what we’re out for, and what the boys most want. Let them have it good and strong.
 It is in camp that the Scoutmaster has his opportunity for inculcating under pleasing means the four main points of training. Character, service for others, skills, and bodily health. But beside all it is his golden chance to bring the boy to God through the direct appeal of Nature and her store of wonders.
from “The Camping Season” / July, 1917 / The Scouter / B.-P.'S OUTLOOK

 (キャンプは、) ウッドクラフト(Woodcraft)と自然研究(Nature Study)、これをたくさん行うことを私たちのねらい(Aim)とすべきです。
 ほとんどの隊(Troops)は、「野山で」の生活に役立つ作業を仕組むことに力を入れているように見えますが、今のところ、これに勝るねらいはないと思われます。しかしそのようなことをしている隊長(Scoutmasters)に私が言いたいことは、― 少年たちにできるかぎりのウッドクラフトと自然研究、つまりパイオニアリング/工兵技法・縛材工作(pioneering)とパスファインディング/進路探索法・原野行進(pathfinding)の実践を設けなさいということです。それから自然研究は、自然との真の密接な接触(real close touch)であるべきです。これは学校の名のもとでなされている学科という机上の勉強(academic dipping)をはるかに超えるものです。植物とか「虫けら」の収集であっても、獣とか鳥の観察であっても、それらは少年にとってすべてが熱中できる勉強であり、そしてとてもためになるものです。
 あなた方は、キャンプを、軍隊で行われるときに起こり得るような、中身のない退屈なピクニック(idle boring picnic)にしてはいけません。スカウティングと森林生活者技能・資質(backwoodsmanship)こそが、私たちが求めているものであり、また少年たちが最も望んでいるものです。それらをとおして少年を善良で心身堅固な人に育てようではありませんか。
 キャンプこそが、隊長がスカウト訓練の四つのポイント、すなわち品性・人格(character)、他者への奉仕(service for others)、技術・技量(skills)、そして身体の健康(bodily health) を楽しく教える機会になるのです。しかし何よりも、自然が放つその驚異の数々、そのダイレクトアピールをとおして、少年を神に導く最高のチャンスになるのです。

 I cannot sufficiently emphasize the importance of Nature lore and its essential place in our programme.
 It is only while in camp that one can really learn to study Nature in the proper way and not as you merely do it inside the school ; because here you are face to face with Nature at all hours of the day and night. For the first time you live under the stars and can watch them by the hour and see what they really look like, and realise what an enormous expanse of almost endless space they cover. You know from your lessons at school that our sun warms and lights up a large number of different worlds like ours, all circling around it in the Heavens. And when you hold up a coin at arm's length and look at the sky, the coin covers no less than two hundred of those suns, each with their different little worlds circling round them. And you then begin to realise what an enormous endless space the Heavens comprise. You realise perhaps for the first time the enormous work of God.
 Then also in camp you are living among plants of every kind, and you can study them in their natural state, how they grow and what they look like, instead of merely seeing pictures of them in books or dried specimens of them in collections.
 The aim in your Nature study is to develop a realisation of God the Creator, and to infuse a sense of the beauty of Nature.
 We use, therefore, the study of Nature as a first step to the realisation of the Creator. The dissection of a plant or bird, the observation of the habits of an animal or an insect, or the study of the stars and planets all command the eager interest of the girl, and if properly applied, reveal to her with absorbing force the miracle laws of Nature; it gives her a sense of the beautiful; it gives her an uplifting instinct of reverence for the power of God.
 Through such Nature investigation, and the consequent appreciation of God the Creator, the Captain can lead the girl on to a right understanding of biology and of her own position in the order of nature ; to realise how she can be associated with the Creator in His work and how she can have her part in the romance of reproduction and the carrying on of the race; also that good motherhood is a wonderful gift of God, at once a sacred and a patriotic privilege and duty.
from “Girl Guiding” / 1918

 ネイチュアロア(Nature lore:自然に積極的に接し、大自然の振る舞いを観、大自然が発する声を聴く取組みや態度・習慣)の重要性と、私たちのプログラムにおけるその不可欠性は、どれだけ強調してもしすぎることはありません。
 自然研究の目的は、創造主たる神(God the Creator)を知ろうとすることであり、自然の美を理解する心をつくりだすことなのです。
 それゆえ、私たちは創造主の実感(realisation of the Creator)への第一歩として、自然の研究を実践します。植物や鳥の解剖、動物や昆虫の習慣の観察、あるいは星や惑星の研究は、すべてが少女の熱心な興味を揺り動かし、適切に導かれれば、奇跡的な吸収力で彼女に明らかにします。自然の法則、それは彼女に美しい感覚を与えます。そしてそれは彼女に神の力への敬意に導く高揚本能を目覚めさせます。
 そのような自然の探求、そしてそれにより至らしめる創造主たる神(God the Creator)の正しい認識(appreciation)を通して、指導者は少女を、自然の摂理における生物としての自分の立場の正しい理解へと導くことができます。彼女自身が創造主により作られたものとして、どのように創造主と結びつき、そして彼女が生殖のロマンスと種の継続における自分の役割があることを理解します。そしてまた、その素晴らしい母性は神からの素敵な贈り物であり、同時に神聖でかつ愛国の特権と義務を知るのです。

 The Patrol System has also a great character-training value if it is used aright. It leads each boy to see that he has some individual responsibility for the good of his Patrol. It leads each Patrol to see that it has definite responsibility for the good of the Troop. Through it the Scoutmaster is able to pass on not only his instruction but his ideas as to the moral outlook of his Scouts. Through it the Scouts themselves gradually learn that they have considerable say in what their Troop does. It is the Patrol System that makes the Troop, and all Scouting for that matter, a real co-operative effort.
from “Aids To Scoutmastership” / 1920


 There is no teaching to compare with example. If the Scoutmaster himself conspicuously carries out the Scout Law in all his doings, the boys will be quick to follow his lead.
 This example comes with all the more force if the Scoutmaster himself takes the Scout Promise, in the same way as his Scouts.
 The first Law, namely, A Scout's honour is to be trusted (A Scout is Trustworthy), is one on which the whole of the Scout's future behaviour and discipline hangs. The Scout is expected to be straight. So it should be very carefully explained, as a first step, by the Scoutmaster to his boys before taking the Scout Promise.
 Its various clauses must be fully explained and made clear to the boys by practical and simple illustrations of its application in their everyday life.
from “Aids To Scoutmastership” / 1920

 おきての第一、すなわち「スカウトの名誉は信頼されることにある」(スカウトは誠実である・信頼できる)、これにスカウトの将来の行為と紀律の全体がかかっています。スカウトは真正直であってほしい。だから、スカウトが ちかい を立てるよりも先に、隊長みずからがこれを示すべきです。

 Once the Scout understands what his honour is and has, by his initiation, been put upon his honour, the Scoutmaster must entirely trust him to do things. You must show him by Your action that you consider him a responsible being. Give him charge of something, whether temporary or permanent, and expect him to carry out his charge faithfully. Don't keep prying to see how he does it. Let him do it his own way, let him come a howler over it if need be, but in any case leave him alone and trust him to do his best. Trust should be the basis of all our moral training.
from “Aids To Scoutmastership” / 1920


 I see that I have been quoted as advocating woodcraft as “the key activity for true Scouting.”
 That is correct. But, then, the term “woodcraft” has been explained as meaning to dress up like Red Indians, and that, therefore, I advocate the adoption of “scalp locks and wampum, teepees and feathers.” This is not correct.
 Woodcraft goes a great deal deeper than the surface attraction or imitation of one or other of the more primitive tribes of men.
 It is rather the power that is common to all these people of reading from the book of Nature, and their lines of education are through natural if somewhat primitive methods, which, with us, have been swamped out under the application of artificial steps.
 In observation and deduction, in camp skill, in self-support, in communal discipline, in physical self-development (including quickness of eye) and endurance, in simple pleasures and power of enjoyment, there is a good deal that we may, with advantage, learn from the so-called savage.
 This same education, as we see it, applied to the civilised man in the case of the explorer, the backwoodsman, and the frontiersman makes him an individual more efficient, more manly and broader in mind and body than the average school-educated member of the crowd in a city.
from “Woodcraft is not Wampum” / July, 1920 / The Scouter / B.-P.'S OUTLOOK

 それは間違いではありません。ところがそこで、「ウッドクラフト」という言葉には、レッド・インディアンのように装うという意味があり、よって「scalp locks(頭飾り)、wampum(貝殻の装飾品)、teepees(円錐型テント)、feathers(羽根の被り物)」で装うことが私の提唱と説明されていました。これは間違っています。

 In view of a very elaborate curriculum that was recently drawn up by one authority for standardising the tests for badges, I was obliged to criticise it in this sense:
 “I hope that the compilers are not losing sight of the aim and spirit of the Movement by making it into a training school of efficiency through curricula, marks, and standards.
 “Our aim is merely to help the boys, especially the least scholarly ones, to become personally enthused in subjects that appeal to them individually, and that will be helpful to them.
 “We do this through the fun and jollity of Scouting; by progressive stages they can then be led on, naturally and unconsciously, to develop for themselves their knowledge.
 “But if once we make it into a formal scheme of serious instruction for efficiency, we miss the whole point and value of the Scout training, and we trench on the work of the schools without the trained experts for carrying it out.
 “We have to remember that the Scoutmasters are voluntary play leaders in the game of Scouting, and not qualified school teachers, and that to give them a hard-and-fast syllabus is to check their ardour and their originality in dealing with their boys according to local conditions.
 “I could quite imagine it frightening away many Scoutmasters of the right sort.
 “The syllabus as suggested seems to go a good deal beyond what is prescribed as our dose in Scouting for Boys; and if the proportions of the ingredients given in a prescription are not adhered to you cannot well blame the doctor if the medicine doesn’t work.
 “Our standard for badge earning - as I have frequently said - is not the attainment of a certain level of quality of work (as in the school), but the Amount Of Effort Exercised By The Individual Candidate. This brings the most hopeless case on to a footing of equal possibility with his more brilliant or better-off brother.
 “We want to get them ALL along through cheery self-development from within and not through the imposition of formal instruction from without.”
from “Standardisation of Badges” / November, 1921 / The Scouter / B.-P.'S OUTLOOK

 提示された履修課目は、スカウティング フォア ボーイズ で規定している以上の投薬量になっているように見えます。処方箋で示された成分の割合が守られないのであれば、薬が効かないからといって、医師を責めることなどできません。

 What is success?
 Top of the tree? Riches? Position? Power?
 Not a bit of it!
 These and many other ideas will naturally occur to your mind. They are what are generally preached as success, and also they generally mean overreaching some other fellows and showing that you are better than they are in one line or another. In other words, gaining something at another's expense.
 That is not my idea of success.
 My belief is that we were put into this world of wonders and beauty with a special ability to appreciate them, in some cases to have the fun of taking a hand in developing them, and also in being able to help other people instead of overreaching them and, through it all, to enjoy life ― that is, TO BE HAPPY.
 That is what I count as success, to be happy. But Happiness is not merely passive; that is, you don't get it by sitting down to receive it; that would be a smaller thing ― pleasure.
 But we are given arms and legs and brains and ambitions with which to be active; and it is the active that counts more than the passive in gaining true Happiness.

 私の信じるところでは、 …人間は、この驚異と美に満ちた世界に、それを正しく認識する・評価する・味わう(appreciate)ことができる(人間だけがもちうる)特別な能力を持って生まれてきたのです。場合においては、それはこの世界をよりよくすることに手を差し延べることが喜びになり、そして人々よりぬきんでるのではなくその人たちを援けることもできる能力なのです。そしてそれらをとおして人生を楽しむことができるのです。― これこそが幸福に至る途なのです。
 そのようにして幸福に至ることこそが成功であると私はみなしています。しかし幸福というものは単純な受身的態度で得られるものではありません。腰を降ろしている者が受け取れるものではないのです。そんなことで得られるものは(幸福よりも)小さなもので、― 単なる愉快・快感(pleasure)でしかありません。

 As you train yourself in character and efficiency, let your aim all the time be not merely the attainment of position or prospects for yourself; but of the power to do good to other people, for the community. Once you have put yourself in a position to do service for others you have stepped on to the higher rung of the ladder that leads to real success ― that is happiness.
 Service includes not merely personal little good turns of courtesy and kindness to other people; these are right and good; they are what every Boy Scout does every day; but I mean something higher and bigger than this ― service as a citizen of your country.
 How can you best serve Him with the intelligence and power that He has given you? If you are in doubt, ask your Conscience, that is, the voice of God within you. He will tell you at once what is needed of you.
 Service is giving up your own pleasure or convenience to lend a hand to others who need it. Well, if you practice service to others day by day in little things as well as big, you will find yourself developing that spark of Love within you till it grows so strong that it carries you joyously over all the little difficulties and worries of life; you rise above them; you are filled with good will towards men; and Conscience, the voice within you, says "Well done!"
from “Rovering To Success” / 1922

 あなたが品性・人格(character)と実効力(efficiency)を鍛える訓練を自分自身でするときは、あなたは単に自分の立身出世や展望の達成を目指すだけでなく、他の人々のために、また地域社会のために良いことすることを常に目標にしましょう。ひとたびあなたが他者への奉仕(service for others)をする立場にたったならば、あなたは真の成功 ― すなわち幸福 ― へ上るはしごに足をかけたことになるのです。
 奉仕(Service)というものは、単に他の人々に礼儀と優しさをつくすという個人的な小さな善行(good turns)を指すのではありません。これは正しいことですし良いことです。それはボーイスカウトであれば誰もが毎日行うことです。しかし私がここで言う奉仕は、それよりもずっと崇高な、より大きなものを意味しています ― つまり国における市民としての奉仕(service as a citizen)です。

 Our teaching is mainly through example, and our Scouters give exactly the right lead in their patriotic dedication of self to the service of the boy, solely for the joy of doing it, and without thought of material reward.
 The boys are taught, beginning with the elementary good turn to mother on the part of the Wolf Cub, through the daily good turn and preparedness to save life on the part of the Scout, up to the regular practice of public service for others on the part of the Rover. The teaching of service is not merely a matter of teaching in theory, but the development of two distinct phases ― viz., the inculcation of the spirit of goodwill; and the provision of opportunity for its expression in practice.
from “Service” / January, 1924 / The Scouter / B.-P.'S OUTLOOK

 少年たちは、ウルフカブにおいて母に対する初歩的な善行(good turn)から始めて、スカウトにおいて日々の善行(daily good turn)と人命救助の準備の励行を経て、ローバーにおいて他の人々に対する公共奉仕の日常的な実践(regular practice of public service for others)に至ります。奉仕を教えるということは、単に理論的に教えるという問題ではなく、二つの別個の形相の育成 ― すなわち、善意の精神を説くこと、そして実際にそれを発揮する機会を提供することです。

 For an open Troop, or for Troops in camp, I think the Scouts’ Own should be open to all denominations, and carried on in such manner as to offend none. There should not be any special form, but it should abound in the right spirit, and should be conducted not from any ecclesiastical point of view, but from that of the boy. Everything likely to make an artificial atmosphere should be avoided. We do not want a kind of imposed Church Parade, but a voluntary uplifting of their hearts by the boys in thanksgiving for the joys of life, and a desire on their part to seek inspiration and strength for greater love and service for others. A Scouts’ Own should have as big an effect on the boys as any service in Church, if in conducting the Scouts’ Own we remember that boys are not grown men, and if we go by the pace of the youngest and most uneducated of those present. Boredom is not reverence, nor will it breed religion.
 To interest the boys, the Scouts’ Own must be a cheery and varied function. Short hymns (three verses are as a rule quite enough - never more than four); understandable prayers; a good address from a man who really understands boys (a homely “talk” rather than an address), which grips the boys, and in which they may laugh or applaud as the spirit moves them, so that they take a real interest in what is said. If a man cannot make his point to keen boys in ten minutes he ought to be shot! If he has not got them keen, it would be better not to hold a Scouts’ Own at all.
from “Some Ideas on Scouts’ Owns” / November, 1928 / The Scouter / B.-P.'S OUTLOOK

 宗派に属さない隊(Open Troop)、または隊のキャンプにおいて、スカウツオウンの集い(または礼拝)(Scouts' Own)は、すべての宗派に開かれ、誰の怒りも買わない配慮をもって運営されるべきと私は思っています。それは特別な形式にするべきではなく、健全な精神に富み、教会の見地ではなく、少年の見地で行われるべきです。上辺だけの雰囲気を作りだす可能性が高いことは、すべて排除すべきです。私たちは、教会の礼拝参列(Church Parade)のような課せられたものではなく、少年たちが生きていることの楽しさに感謝し、他の人々により大きな愛を発し奉仕(service)をしたいという欲動とその強化を追求し、彼らの心が自発的に高揚するものでありたい。スカウツオウンの集いは、少年は大人ではないということを自覚し、常に、その参加者の最年少の人、最も無学の人にペースを合わせて実施すれば、教会での礼拝・お勤め(service in Church)と同じように、少年たちに大きな影響を及ぼすことでしょう。退屈なものからは、畏敬の念は生まれないし、また信仰心も育ちません。
 少年たちの興味を引くためには、スカウツオウンの集いは、愉快で、変化に富んだものでなければなりません。短い賛美歌 (3番までで十分、4番以上のことはありえません)、分かりやすいお祈り、少年を本当に熟知している人からの良いお話 (演説ではなく家庭的な「トーク」)、それらをもって少年たちの心をつかめば、少年たちは感動し、笑ったり、拍手を送ったりすることになります。それにより、少年たちはその人からの話を聴くことに心から興味を持つことになるでしょう。もしその人が10分あっても少年たちを引き付けられないようであるならば、干してしまいなさい! 少年たちを夢中にさせられないような人であるならば、スカウツオウンの集いなど、しない方が良いでしょう。

 At the risk of being a bore I would like to point out once again a direction in which we want to progress. Provided we don’t aim too high or go too fast or too damn seriously, there is one job which we CAN do through our boys.
 It is the great little service of happifying. This old English word is one to carry in our minds in training our boys - more especially at this Christianising season of the year. If a boy only makes himself wear a cheery countenance in, the street it is something. (Don’t forget he gains it from the example of his Scoutmaster.) It happifies or brightens up numbers of his passers by, among the depressing hundreds of glum faces that they otherwise meet. The glum or the bright is equally infectious. To get the boy to do this as a step to greater happifying services is a thing worth trying for. The desire to happify once instilled into the character of the boy is going to make all the difference in his relations with his fellow-men, and in his attitude to the community in after-life. It will make him the “happy, helpful citizen” whom we need, and this, after all, is the real aim of our endeavour in Scouting.
from “Happifying” / January, 1929 / The Scouter / B.-P.'S OUTLOOK

 それは happifying(幸せにすること:古英語?)という、ささやかだけど偉大な奉仕(service)です。この古いイギリスの言葉は、少年たちを訓練する上で気に留めておきたいものです ― 特に毎年のクリスマスシーズンに。もし、街路で、少年が自分なりに陽気な表情を装って振舞ったとしましょう。 (彼は隊長を真似してそれをするということを忘れないで。) それはそこに不機嫌な顔が数百あったとしても、その少年の顔とすれ違うことにより、通行人の何人かには幸せな気分にさせたり明るくしたりすることになるでしょう。不機嫌な顔同様に、明るい顔も伝染するものです。大きな happifying の奉仕の第一歩として、これを少年たちにさせることは価値のあることです。一旦少年の品性・人格(character)に、人を幸せにしたいという願望が芽生えさえすれば、彼の仲間との関係やその後の人生における地域での彼の態度のすべてに違いが出てきます。これは少年を、私たちが必要としている「幸福であり人の力になる市民(happy, helpful citizen)」に仕立てることであり、これは結局のところ、スカウティングにおいて私たちが努力している本当のねらいであるわけです。

 The Girl Guide Movement has the distinguished feature that it started itself. Girls took up Scouting with their brothers, and we subsequently adapted it to their needs and organised it as a separate movement. Personally, I confess that, of the two, I believe the girls' branch is the more important, since it affects those who will be the mother of the future generation of boys.
from “Scouting and Youth Movements” / 1929


 The aim of the Boy Scout and Girl Guide Movement is now generally understood to be that of making happy, healthy, helpful citizens. In this material age, with distractions and pleasures more than ever accessible, the training of the spirit is becoming correspondingly difficult, and is too largely neglected. Our object in the Scout Movement is to give such help as we can in bringing about God's Kingdom on earth by inculcating among youth the spirit and the daily practice in their lives of unselfish goodwill and co-operation.
 It is only through goodwill and co-operation ― that is, through service for others ― that a man reaches true success, which is happiness. For then he finds that heaven is here in this world, and not merely a vision of the next.
from “Scouting and Youth Movements” / 1929

 ボーイスカウト及びガールガイド運動のねらいは、今日では一般的に、幸福(happy)で、健康(healthy)で、人の力になる(helpful)市民(citizens)を育てることであると理解されています。今日のように気晴らしと快楽が得やすくなっている物質的な時代においては、精神の訓練はそれに相応して難しくなってきており、また大幅に無視されるようになってきております。スカウト運動における私たちの目的は、青少年に、利己心のない善意と協力(unselfish goodwill and co-operation)の精神と、それを生活の中で日々実践することを教え導くことにより、この地上に神の王国(God's Kingdom)をもたらすべく、できる限りのお手伝いをすることです。
 善意と協力、すなわち他者への奉仕(service for others)をとおしてのみ、人は真の成功、すなわち幸福、に到達します。その時、彼は、天国が単なるあの世の姿ではなく、この世界にあることに気付くのです。

 We should take care, in inculcating patriotism into our boys and girls, that it is patriotism above the narrow sentiment which usually stops at one's own country, and thus inspires jealousy and enmity in dealing with others. Our patriotism should be of the wider, nobler kind which recognizes justice and reasonableness in the claims of others and which leads our country into comradeship with, and recognition of, the other nations of the world.
 The first step to this end is to develop peace and goodwill within our own borders, by training our youth of both sexes to its practice as their habit of life; so that the jealousies of town against town, class against class and sect against sect no longer exist; and then to extend this good feeling beyond our frontiers towards our neighbours of other races.
from “Scouting and Youth Movements” / 1929

 この最終目標に至るための第一歩は、自国内において、若い男女に対する平和と善意(peace and goodwill)を育む訓練を、彼らの日々の生活の実践になるまで行うことです。そうすれば、町に対する町の妬み、階級に対する階級の妬み、宗派に対する宗派の妬みなどというものは消え失せてしまうことでしょう。そして次には、この善意の感覚は、私たちの国境を越えて、他の人種の隣人に向かって広がっていくことでしょう。

 Scouting is a Game, not a Science.
 Yes, Scouting is a game. But sometimes I wonder whether, with all our pamphlets, rules, disquisitions in the Scouter, conferences, and training classes for Commissioners and other Scouters, etc., we may not appear to be making of it too serious a game. It is true that these things are all necessary and helpful to men for getting the hang of the thing, and for securing results. But they are apt to grow into big proportions (like one’s own children or one’s own mannerisms) without our noticing it, when all the time it is very patent to those who come suddenly upon it from outside.
 Thus this phalanx of instructional aids appears terribly formidable to many a Scouter, while to outsiders having a look before they leap into our vortex it must in many cases be directly deterring. When you come to look on it as something formidable, then you miss the whole spirit and the whole joy of it; your boys catch the depression from you, and Scouting, having lost its spirit, is no longer a game for them.
 Scouting, as I have said above, is not a science to be solemnly studied, nor is it a collection of doctrines and texts. Nor again is it a military code for drilling discipline into boys and repressing their individuality and initiative. No ― it is a jolly game in the out of doors, where boy-men and boys can go adventuring together as older and younger brother, picking up health and happiness, handicraft and helpfulness.
 Many young men are put off Scoutmastering by the fear that they have got to be Admirable Crichtons and capable of teaching their boys all the details for the different Badge tests; whereas their job is to enthuse the boys and to get experts to teach them. The collection of rules is merely to give guiding lines to help them in a difficulty; the training courses are merely to show them the more readily the best ways of applying our methods and of gaining results.
from “Scouting is a Game, not a Science” / January, 1931 / The Scouter / B.-P.'S OUTLOOK

 そのとおり、スカウティングはゲームです。しかし、私たちのパンフレットをはじめ、規定集、スカウター誌に載る諸論文、諸会議、コミッショナーや他のスカウターのための訓練所などを見ると、私たちはあまりにもシリアス・真面目すぎる(too serious)ゲームを作っているように思うことがあります。これらのすべてが、成果を産み出すための人々に必要で有用なものであることは事実です。しかし気づかないうちに(自分の子どもにするように、またはマンネリズムとして)それが大きな部分を占めるようになってしまいます。それらは、外から眺める人や新たにこの運動に加わった人にとって、まさしく侵してはならない特許のように受け止められてしまうというのが常です。
 私がこれまでにも言ってきたように、スカウティングは、厳粛に研究されるべき科学ではなく、教義や研究論文の集積でもありません。また少年に規律訓練をし、彼らの個性と独創力・率先力(initiative)を抑制してしまうような軍事規範でもありません。そんなものではなく、― それは少年の心を持った大人(boy-men)と少年たちが、兄貴と弟として、一緒に冒険をし、野外で行う陽気なゲームであり、それをとおして健康と幸福、手技(handicraft)や人の力になる器量(helpfulness)を身に付けていくのです。
 若い男性の多くは、指導者たるものは立派なクライトン(James Crichton 1560-82 スコットランド出身の伝説的な多才多芸家)であるべきであり、いろいろなバッジテストにおいて少年にすべての詳細を教えることができる人でなければならないという恐怖を抱き、隊長就任(Scoutmastering)を躊躇させてしまっています。しかし本来、彼らの仕事は、少年たちを熱中させ、それらを教える専門家を連れてくることです。規定集は、隊長が困ったときにそれを助けるための単なるガイドに過ぎません。本来の指導者訓練コースというものは、私たちの原理を示し、より容易に結果を得るために最良の方法を示すためだけのものです。

 If you have read Rovering to Success you will have realised that my idea of success in life is Happiness. Happiness, as Sir Henry Newbolt says, is largely gained by "Happifying". A thing that many young fellows don't seem to realise at first is that success depends on oneself and not on a kindly fate, nor on the interest of powerful friends.
 I have over and over again explained that the purpose of the Boy Scout and Girl Guide Movement is to build men and women as citizens endowed with the three H's - namely, Health, Happiness and Helpfulness. The man or woman who Succeeds in developing these three attributes has secured the main steps to success in this life.
 Yet one more item is needed to complete success, and that is the rendering of service to others in the community. Without this the mere satisfaction of selfish desire does not reach the top notch.
 As I have said before, happiness is not solely the outcome of enjoyment of the good things in life and of the beauties and wonders of Nature, but it comes very largely also from the practice of happifying.

 もしあなたが ローバーリング ツウ サクセス を読まれたのであれば、人生における成功は幸福になることというのが私の考えであると了解されたことでしょう。幸福は、ヘンリー・ニューボルト卿の言うとおり、"Happifying(幸せにすること)"によって多くは得られるものです。多くの若者がはじめ気づかないことは、成功は、自分自身により成すものであり、幸運や、力を持つ友人の関与によるものではないということです。
 更にもう一つ成功の達成のために必要なことがあります。それは地域社会での他者への奉仕(service to others in the community)の実践です。これがなければ単なる利己的な欲望の満足にすぎず、一流にはなれません。
 私が以前言ったように、幸福は、人生における良い出来事や自然の美と驚異がもたらす個人的な享楽をいうのではありません。その多くは happifying の実践がもたらすものなのです。

 “We are the Girl Scouts," was the announcement made with a certain air of confident self-assertion by a pert little person of some eleven years at the first Rally of the Boy Scouts. This was at the Crystal Palace in 1909.
 She was the spokeswoman of a small group of girls dressed as nearly as possible in imitation of their brothers, the Scouts.
 The presence and the quite evident keenness of these girls opened one's eyes to the fact that here lay an opening for a further application of the Scout method of character-training and self-development.
 At this time, over twenty years ago, women were only just coming into their own in the work of the world. Character development was actually more needed by them than by their brothers since they had had less opportunity of forming it in their comparatively more secluded life.
 They needed it for their growing responsibilities in social life, they needed it also in their capacity as mothers for imparting it to their offspring.
 The school education of girls had been put on a higher and steadily improving footing, but the problem of their character training was as yet unsolved.
 Character cannot be taught in a class. It has, necessarily, to be expanded in the individual, and largely by effort on the part of the pupil herself.
 With the Boy Scouts we aimed to help them to develop their character by sporting and outdoor adventures with which a moral code of chivalry was carefully linked. One had long realised that girls generally preferred to read boys' literature, that stories of the Wild West dramas appealed to them far more than those about heroines in academies for young ladies.
 Now the girls were coming forward of their own volition to get the same adventure as their brothers. This has since become the usual thing ― in 1933 ― but it was a big innovation in 1909.
 With such spirit, however, meeting one half-way, it was not a difficult task to devise a scheme similar in principle to that of the Scouts while differing in detail to meet the requirements of the girl's life.
 Miss Charlotte Mason, the founder of the House of Education for training women teachers, had to some extent foreseen this when she adopted as a text-book for their instruction a little book called Aids to Scouting, which I had written for young soldiers. She found it something educative, so after my encounter with these self-assertive “Girl Scouts” I was not without hope in suggesting a sister movement to that of the Boy Scouts. To this we gave the name “Girl Guides.”
 The term “Guides” was intended to give an idea of romance and adventure while it indicated also their future responsibilities for directing their menfolk and bringing up their children on right lines.
 The general aim of its training was similar to that of sense of service to others, while in particular it would give girls practical instruction in home-making, mother-craft, etc.
 This aim was to be pursued largely by self-education through outdoor recreation in good companionship. The training would be under the direction of a “Guider,” that is, one who in relationship was neither a schoolmistress nor a martinet, but, rather, and elder sister.

 「私たちはガールスカウトです。」 第一回 ラリー オブ ザ ボーイスカウト で、11歳ほどの気さくな小さな少女が、意気揚々と宣言しました。1909年のクリスタルパレスでのことでした。
 女性教師養成教育院の創設者であるシャーロット・メイソン女史が、私が若い兵士のために書いた「スカウティング(斥候術)の手引」という小著を、生徒の指導の教科書として採用した時、このことをある程度予見していました。彼女はこれが教育的なものであると感じていたので、それを自己主張した「ガールスカウト」と出会った後、私は、ボーイスカウトと姉妹提携する運動を提案することにしました。私はこれに「ガールガイド(Girl Guides)」という名前を付けました。
 その訓練の一般的なねらいは、他の人々への奉仕(service to others)の精神は同質のものですが、特に、家庭づくり、マザークラフトなどの実践的な指導を少女に授けることを目指しました。

 The remedy must be applied to the rising generation.
 Its aim should be to instil “character” into the men of the future. By “character” is meant a spirit of manly self-reliance and of unselfishness, a practical Christianity ordering their daily life.
from “Where and How to Apply the Remedy” of “PRINCIPLES AND METHODS / SCOUTING FOR BOYS”


 Scoutcraft includes the qualities of our frontier colonists, such as resourcefulness, endurance, pluck, trustworthiness, etc., plus the chivalry of the knights ; these attributes, both moral and physical, are held up by the boys, in a practical form, for imitation and daily practice.
from “Our Remedy and its Application” of “PRINCIPLES AND METHODS / SCOUTING FOR BOYS”

 スカウトクラフトには、創意工夫(resourcefulness)、忍耐力(endurance)、勇気(pluck)、信頼(trustworthiness)など、辺境入植者の資質に加え、ナイトの騎士道が含まれています。これらの属性・特質は、道徳と身体の両面で、(指導者の)模倣・真似(imitation)と日々の実践(daily practice)という実践的形式をとおして、少年たちによって保持されます。

 THE ROMANCE OF SCOUTCRAFT ― The underlying feature is the spirit of the Movement, and the key that unlocks this spirit is the romance of Woodcraft and Nature Lore.
from “Our Remedy and its Application” of “PRINCIPLES AND METHODS / SCOUTING FOR BOYS”

 スカウトクラフトのロマンス ― この運動の基本的な特徴はこの運動のスピリットであり、このスピリットを解く鍵はウッドクラフトとネイチュアロアのロマンスです。

 Our training is non-military : even the ordinary drill employed by many boys' organisations being reduced to the lowest necessary limits, since drill tends to destroy individuality, and one of our main aims is to develop the personal individual character.
 There is no military meaning attached to Scouting. Peace Scouting comprises the attributes of frontiersmen if the way of resourcefulness and self-reliance and the many other qualities which make them men among men. There is no intention of making the lads into soldiers or of teaching then bloodthirstiness. At the same time, under “patriotism” they are taught that a citizen must be prepared to take his fair share among his fellows in the defence of the homeland against aggression in return for the safety and freedom enjoyed by him as an inhabitant. He who shirks and leaves this duty to others to do for him is neither playing a plucky nor a fair part.
from “Our Remedy and its Application” of “PRINCIPLES AND METHODS / SCOUTING FOR BOYS”


 We are also non-political. Nor do we recognize any difference in class.
from “Our Remedy and its Application” of “PRINCIPLES AND METHODS / SCOUTING FOR BOYS”


 Thus, then, in each stage we have the same principle, adapted in each to the changed psychology of the pupil, i.e., in each stage we develop his
    Character and Intelligence.
    Handicraft and Skill.
    Health and Strength.
    Service for Others.
 So much for the principle.
from “Our Remedy and its Application” of “PRINCIPLES AND METHODS / SCOUTING FOR BOYS”

    他者への奉仕(service for others)   を開花させる(develop)のです。

 The whole object of our Scouting is to seize the boys’ character in its red-hot stage of enthusiasm, and to weld it into the right shape and to encourage and develop its individuality ― so that the boy may educate himself to become a good man and a valuable citizen for his country.
 By so doing we may hope to take a useful part in bringing strength, both moral and physical to the Commonwealth.
 But in developing national aspirations there is always the danger of becoming narrow and jealous of other nations. Unless we avoid this we bring about the very evil we are anxious to escape.
 Fortunately in the Scout Movement we have brother Scouts organized in almost every civilized country in the world, and we have formed already the tangible nucleus of a world-brotherhood. And the potentialities of this are being supplemented by the wider development of the co-operative sister Movement, the Girl Guides.
 In every country the aim of the Scouts’ training is identical, namely, efficiency for service towards others ; and with such an object in common, we can, as an international Brotherhood in Service, go forward and do a far-reaching work.
 In our training of the boy we develop the individual in both spirit and efficiency to be an effective player in his national team of citizen-hood. Acting on the same principle in the case of a nation we should try to develop the right spirit of efficiency for helping that nation to work effectively in the team of nations.
 If each, then, plays in its place, and “plays the game,” there will be greater prosperity and happiness throughout the world, there will be brought about at last that condition which has so long been looked for ― of Peace and Good Will among men.

 私たちのスカウティングの総目標は、少年たちの品性・人格(character)を、その情熱が燃えさかっている間につかんで、それを正しい型に流しこんで鍛え、その個性を励まし発揮させることです。― そうすれば少年は、国のために、善良な人間、価値ある市民となるよう、自分で自分を磨いていくことでしょう。
 すべての国において、スカウト訓練のねらいは同じです。すなわち、他者に対する奉仕(service towards others)ができる能力(efficiency)を身につけることです。このような共通の目的をもっているからこそ、私たちは、奉仕にいそしむ国際同胞として前進し、遠大な仕事を推し進めることができるのです。
 そうして、その各々の場所で、“正々堂々とプレイする”ならば、世界中に大きな繁栄と幸福が生まれ、その結果、私たちが永く待ちこがれていたもの ― 人類の間の平和と善意(Peace and Good Will among men) ― がもたらされることになるでしょう。

⚜       ⚜       ⚜

 指導者の手本(Personal Example)を重視するボーイスカウトの教育ですが、B-Pに手本を示した人はいなかったのでしょうか。B-Pのもとに訪れた佐野常羽は、B-Pより打ち明けられた話として、彼がボーイスカウトを始めるきっかけとなった三つの感銘が、ペスタロッチの墓石の碑文、モンテッソーリの教育手法、日本の茶道であったことを伝えています1)。それがB-Pに手本を示した人ではなかったでしょうか。参考までに、ペスタロッチの墓石の碑文を下に記します。
 なお、日本の茶道を挙げたことについては、1906年に出版された岡倉覚三(天心)の “The Book of Tea”(茶の本)を指しているのではないかと思われます。

Heinrich Pestalozzi
geb. in Zürich am 12. Jänner 1746
gest. in Brugg, am 17. Hornung 1827.
Retter der Armen auf Neuhof,
Prediger des Volkes in Lienhard und Gertrud,
Zu Stans Vater der Waisen,
Zu Burgdorf und Münchenbuchsee
Gründer der neuen Volksschule,
Zu Iferten Erzieher der Menschheit.
Mensch, Christ, Bürger,
Alles für Andere, für sich Nichts.
Segen seinem Namen!

生. 1746年1月12日 於 チューリヒ
没. 1827年2月17日 於 ブルック。

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 One aim of the Boy Scouts scheme is to revive amongst us, if possible, some of the rules of the knights of old, which did so much for the moral tone of our race, just as the Bushido of the ancient Samurai Knights has done, and is still doing, for Japan. Unfortunately, chivalry with us has, to a large extent, been allowed to die out, whereas in Japan it is taught to the children, so that it becomes with them a practice of their life, and it is also taught to children in Germany and in Switzerland with the best results. Our effort is not so much to discipline the boys, as to teach them to discipline themselves.
 It is impossible in so short a space as I have at my disposal to do more than touch upon subjects which the instructor may elaborate for himself. The different qualities which the Knight's Code demanded are here grouped under the three heads: ―
  1.― Chivalry to Others. 2.― Discipline of Self. 3.― Self-Improvement.

  1.他人に対する騎士道。 2.自己修行。 3.自己改善。
 日本賛美ともとれる記述ですが、B-Pがこのような考えを持つに至った理由が、新渡戸稲造著の「Bushido:The Soul of Japan(武士道:日本の魂)」(1899年出版)を読んだことによると伝えられています。日本人にはあまり知られていない著書ですが、欧米の人々にはとても魅力的であったようです。
 Wikipedia 英語版の「Bushido: The Soul of Japan<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bushido:_The_Soul_of_Japan>に、次のような解説が記されています。
 Bushido: The Soul of Japan is, along with Hagakure by Yamamoto Tsunetomo (1659-1719), a study of the way of the samurai. A best-seller in its day, it was read by many influential foreigners, among them President Theodore Roosevelt, President John F. Kennedy and Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of the Boy Scouts.
 Nitobe originally wrote Bushido: The Soul of Japan in English (1899), in Monterey, California, though according to the book's preface it was written in Malvern, Pennsylvania. The book was not translated into Japanese until it had been popular in the English-speaking world for several years.
 As Japan underwent deep transformations of its traditional lifestyle and military while becoming a modern nation, Nitobe engaged in an inquiry into the ethos of his nation, and the result of his meditations was this seminal work. A fine stylist in English, he wrote many books in that language, which earned him a place among the best known Japanese writers of his age.
 He found in Bushido, the Way of the Warrior, the sources of the seven virtues most admired by his people: rectitude, courage, benevolence, politeness, sincerity, honor and loyalty.
 He also delved into the other indigenous traditions of Japan, such as Buddhism, Shintoism, Confucianism and the moral guidelines handed down over hundreds of years by Japan's samurai and sages. Nitobe sought similarities and contrasts by citing the shapers of European and American thought and civilization going back to the Romans, the Greeks and Biblical times. He found a close resemblance between the samurai ethos of what he called Bushido and the spirit of medieval chivalry and the ethos of ancient Greece, as observed in books such as the Iliad of Homer.

 「Bushido:The Soul of Japan」は、山本常朝(1659-1719)の武士道の研究書「葉隠(はがくれ)」を基にした書です。出版後ベストセラーとなり、それはセオドア ルーズベルト大統領、ジョン F.ケネディ大統領、そしてボーイスカウトの創設者であるロバート・ベーデン-パウエル等、多くの影響力を持った外国人に読まれました。
 新渡戸は、カリフォルニア州モントレーで、英語で「Bushido: The Soul of Japan」を書きました(1899)。しかし本の序文によれば、それはペンシルベニア州のマルバーンで書かれたとされています。この本は、英語圏で広く読まれるようになるまで長年日本語に翻訳されることはありませんでした。


ありがとうございました。(2019.8.27 ⑨を分割)

 B.-P.'S OUTLOOK (カナダ ScoutsCan.com ウェブサイト)
 THE WOLF CUB'S HANDBOOK (カナダ ScoutsCan.com ウェブサイト)
 GIRL GUIDING (カナダ ScoutsCan.com ウェブサイト)
 AIDS TO SCOUTMASTERSHIP (隊長の手引) ( ScoutMedia ウェブサイト)
 ROVERING TO SUCCESS (カナダ ScoutsCan.com ウェブサイト)
 SCOUTING AND YOUTH MOVEMENTS(スカウティング青少年運動)(ScoutsCan.comウェブサイト)
 LESSONS FROM THE 'VARSITY OF LIFE (人生大学からの教訓)(ScoutsCan.comウェブサイト)
 ハインリッヒ・ペスタロッチ (Verein Pestalozzi im Internet)
 Association Montessori Internationale (国際モンテッソーリ協会)
 The Book of Tea by Kakuzo Okakura (Free eBooks - Project Gutenberg)
 「茶の本」岡倉覚三著 村岡博訳 (青空文庫)
 Bushido: The Soul of Japan (Wikipedia)
 Bushido, the Soul of Japan by Inazo Nitobe (Free eBooks - Project Gutenberg)


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