
「パトロール システム」に記されたフィリップスのスピリット


 ボーイスカウト活動の柱の一つにパトロールシステム(Patrol System)があります。そのパトロールシステムに命を吹き込む要素が、ローランド・フィリップス(Roland Erasmus Philipps 1890.2.27-1916.7.7)が著した「パトロール・システム(班制教育)および班長への手紙」(The Patrol System and Letters to a Patrol Leader, 1917)の随所に記されています。その中で最も重要と思われるくだりの一つを次に記します。

 It is essential that Leaders and Seconds should not only read the theory of Scouting, but that they should also practice it. They may be formed into a special study Patrol, of which the Scoutmaster is himself Patrol Leader (under a scouting name such as Grey Wolf - the term "Scoutmaster" being barred). Such a Patrol may specialize in first class work, in camp organization, in woodcraft, and in other outdoor practices, in order that the Leaders may be afterwards better qualified to look after their own Patrols. It is important also that the Patrol Leader's position should be looked upon by himself and by his Scoutmaster as his school of training for ultimate Scoutmastership.

 班長と次長は、スカウティングの本を読むだけではなく、実践も必須です。彼らを隊長自身が班長となる特修班(special study Patrol)に組み入れてください(その班においては、隊長という呼称ではなく、灰色の狼(Grey Wolf)と呼ばれます)。この班では、1級の課業、キャンプ編制、ウッドクラフト、その他の野外での実践、そして班長たちが自分の班を運営するためのより良い技能を持てるように特訓します。それは、班長のあり方を、彼自身によって、また隊長によって省みるものであり、そして将来の隊長の資質を訓練する学校としても重要なものなのです。(舟橋訳)
 (参考:「パトロール・システム(班制教育)および班長への手紙 その1.その2. 復刻版」ボーイスカウト日本連盟 H25.1.23発行 27頁)

Patrol System における隊長の役割と立ち位置

 班には班長と次長がいます。その班長と次長は、隊長が班長である特修班(special study Patrol)の班員であるとしています。その特修班の中で隊長が演じる班長の行動を通してそのノウハウを各班長次長が学び取り、それを各班で再現する …この形態とプロセスが構築されてこそパトロールシステム(Patrol System)の成立と言えます。

 ここにも隊長自身が身をもって示す(Scoutmaster’s own personal example)ことが求められるわけです。このシステムを通して、隊長の考えや技能、そして人格そのものが、隊長から班長へ、班長から班員へと受け継がれていくことになるのです。

 特修班における 隊長= Grey Wolf のふるまいがパトロールシステムの出発点であり、パトロールシステムに命を吹き込む営みであるといえるのです。

 フィリップスの論述では、隊長は、特修班の班長であり、また、名誉会議(Court of Honor)の座長(chair)と規定しています。


 (戦後の日本のボーイスカウトは、アメリカボーイスカウトのシステムの多くを取り入れており、上級班長はその Senior Patrol Leader に同義といえます。アメリカでは少年幹部育成プロセスを経て Senior Patrol Leader が誕生します。したがって、スカウトの誰かに上級班長を任じれば足りるというものではありません。また、アメリカでは1級スカウトにならないと正規班(Regular patrols)の班員にはなれません。それに至らないスカウトは新人班(New-Scout patrol)に属し、成人指導者の厚い関与のもとで技能を学びます。)

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 パトロールシステム(Patrol System)は、単に小集団単位の活動を基盤にするということではありません。その前提として小集団のリーダーとなる者に対する成人指導者による組織的で緻密な訓練があること、それによる成人指導者の意思を効果的に伝達しフィードバックする機能にその意義があります。このシステムをとおして、組織の中の一人ひとりがその立場をわきまえ、自分の任務遂行にかかる責任の重みを実感・体得するプロセスに、B-Pが意図した教育効果を見出すことができます。班に決定を委ね、行動を任せるということがあっても、それは隊長の認知、見守りの中でなされるべきです。班の行為の結果の責任は当然、隊長が負うものなのです。信頼という紐帯のもとで、自分は見守られている、期待されているという意識の中で、自分の行為が評価されていく ―― この駆け引きの中の緊張感が、責任感という観念と態度を育てていくのです。

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 フィリップス著「The Patrol System」から、パトロールシステムにおける隊長の役割について述べている部分を抽出して以下に記します。訳文はすべて舟橋訳です。訳文の後の括弧内の数字は「パトロール・システム(班制教育)および班長への手紙 その1.その2. 復刻版」(ボーイスカウト日本連盟 H25.1.23発行) の該当頁を示します。

 It is the principal of every Scoutmaster in the movement to see that his Patrol Leaders are able to lead their Patrols.

 The Leaders and Seconds must have special opportunities of asking the Scoutmaster any questions. They should have special opportunities of access to their Scoutmaster, either at his home, or at a special parade of Leaders and Seconds held once a week at the troop headquarters. (This could be run in connection with the Court of Honor.)

 Where the Scoutmaster can give the time, it is an admirable thing to have an evening on which the Leaders and Seconds should receive special instruction. Such an evening might be once a week, once a month, or even once a quarter. Two or more Troops can often combine for this purpose. On one occasion somebody may give a lecture on Map Drawing and Surveying, on another a first-rate Ambulance man may be the speaker, and on another a Royal Engineer may give instruction in Bridge Building. There is no limit to the number of useful and instructive talks which may be given to Leaders in this way, and afterwards be passed on by them to their Patrols.

 In well-organized Troops of some years' standing it is often found a good thing to run a special week-end camp for Leaders and Seconds. Much useful instruction can be given in this way.

 This Court consists of all the Leaders and Seconds, with the Scoutmaster in the chair.

 The Court of Honor then deals with questions in connection with the arrangements for the coming week, Patrol Competitions, Summer Camp, Football and Cricket, Badge Examinations, Technical Instruction, Inter-patrol Visiting, Troop Subscriptions, and many other things. If the Scoutmaster has got any announcements to make this is the occasion on which he makes them. and the Leaders afterwards pass the information on to their Patrols in due course. Any member of the Court of Honor is entitled to ask the Scoutmaster any question, unless such question is a breach of Scout Law. Free discussion in the Court of Honor should be warmly encouraged. There is no time in which the Scoutmaster has a better opportunity of getting into touch with the real feelings and aspirations of his boys.

 The greatest advantage of the Court of Honor is that, more than anything else, it encourages the Patrol System and fosters the Patrol Spirit.

 The Scoutmaster should never give orders to his Scouts except through his Patrol Leaders.

How To Start A Troop On The Patrol System

 Anyone who has had experience of Scouting will have at least two words of definite advice to give to a friend who is just going to start. They are these: "Begin small." It is hardly possible to begin with too few boys, and it is very usual to begin with too many. In the earlier chapters it has been pointed out that to work the Patrol System at all successfully it is necessary to give to Patrol Leaders and Seconds greater ideas and greater knowledge than the boys whom they are expected to command. The idea of the Patrol System should be adopted from the very beginning.


 In a large number of cases a prospective Scoutmaster will find that the reasons against starting with only a handful of boys are almost overwhelming. In such cases one must give the same recommendation as before, "Begin small," and one would urge from the very earliest moment that the Scoutmaster should makeup his mind to give special facilities to his Patrol Leaders and Seconds. In any case, until the boys have passed their Tenderfoot tests his Leaders and Seconds will not be appointed. Sometimes the appointment may be deferred until the boys become Second-class Scouts.

 Before appointing a Leader the Scoutmaster should always tell him exactly what will be expected of him, not only in the Troop, but also by the Chief Scout and by the Scout Brotherhood. Unless he is keen to undertake the job, it is a great mistake to appoint a boy at all.

 The essence of this suggested method of starting a Troop is that the Leaders and Seconds should be given chances of remaining always a good deal in front of the other boys both in Scout knowledge and in Scout experience.

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 In all cases I would strongly commend the “Patrol” system : that is, small permanent groups, each under responsible charge of a leading boy, as the great step to success.
 I recommend the Instructor to begin with a Patrol of eight boys if possible, and when these have qualified as "First-class Scouts" to select the best five or six to raise each a patrol of his own and instruct it under his (the Instructor's) supervision.

 すべての場合において、私は"パトロール"システム("Patrol" system)を強く推奨します。これは、少人数の恒常的な(=一時的ではない)仲間集団の一群(small permanent groups)であり、それぞれがリーダーである一人の少年の責任の下にある(each under responsible charge of a leading boy)というものです。これが成功への大きなステップになります。

 The sure way to make a failure of your effort is to begin with too many boys at first. I recommend about eight to begin with, as a nucleus of your Troop.
 The next step is to select the best of your boys to be Leaders of the different Patrols, and then to give then a special training in their Scout work and duties.
 The dividing of the boys into permanent Patrols of from six to eight and treating them as separate units each under its own responsible Leader is the key to success with a Troop.
 The Patrol is the unit of Scouting whether for work or for play, for discipline or for duty.

 (これの後に、)少年たちを6人から8人の恒常的な班(permanent Patrols)に組み分け、それぞれその責任を負うリーダー(班長)のもとの別個の単位集団(units)として扱います。これが隊として成功するための鍵です。
 班(Patrol)は、スカウティングのすべての基本単位(the unit)です。作業においても、遊びにおいても、修練においても、任務においても、です。

 This teaching is largely reflected by means of example, by putting responsibility upon him and by expecting a high standard of trustworthiness from him.
 Responsibility is largely given through the Patrol System by holding the Leader responsible for what goes on amongst his boys.


 Some few Scoutmasters are still behind the time, and consequently their Troops are behind the average, in not making sufficient use of their Patrol Leaders.
 They ought to give the sub-officers as much liberty of action as they like to get themselves from their District Associations or Commissioners.
 They must hold the Patrol Leader responsible for everything good or bad that occurs in his Patrol.
 They must put responsibility upon him, let him do his job, and if he makes mistakes let him do so, and show him afterwards where he went wrong ― in this way only can he learn. Half the value of our training is to be got by putting responsibility on young shoulders. It is especially valuable for taming the wilder spirits; it gives them a something which they like to take up instead of their equally heroic but less desirable hooligan pursuits.
from “Patrol Leaders” / April, 1910 / The Scouter / B.-P.'S OUTLOOK

 少数の隊長(Scoutmasters)がまだ班長(Patrol Leaders)を十分に活用していないという実態があり、そのためその隊(Troops)は平均より遅れてしまっています。
 隊長は、班長に責任を負わせ、班長に仕事をさせ、もしその班長が間違いを犯したなら、その班長にその対処をさせ、その後、その班長に間違ったところを指摘するようにします。 ― 班長は、この方法によってのみ学ぶことができるのです。私たちの訓練の価値の半分は、責任を若い肩に負わせることによって成し遂げるというところにあります。これは野生の気性を飼いならす場合に特に有効です。勇壮ではあるが嫌われ者のごろつき(hooligan)であっても、好んで取り組んでくれるものを彼らに与えます。

 I strongly advise small camps of about half a dozen Patrols; each Patrol in a separate tent and on separate ground (as suggested in Scouting for Boys), so that the Scouts do not feel themselves to be part of a big herd, but members of independent responsible units.
 Patrols should be kept intact under all circumstances.
from “Camps” / June, 1910 / The Scouter / B.-P.'S OUTLOOK

 私は、6個ほどの班(Patrols)からなる小規模キャンプを強く推奨します。それぞれの班(Patrol)は、(スカウティング フォア ボーイズ で提示したように)別々のテントそして離れた場所でキャンプします。それによりスカウトたちは、自分たちは大きな群れの一部ではなく、独立した責任ある部隊の一員であると感じるようになります。

 The best progress is made in those Troops where power and responsibility are really put into the hands of the Patrol Leaders. It is the secret of success with many Scoutmasters, when once they have half-a-dozen Patrol Leaders, really doing their work as if they were Assistant Scoutmasters. The Scoutmasters find themselves able to go on and increase the size of their Troops by starting new Patrols or adding recruits to existing ones.
 Expect a great deal of your Patrol Leaders and nine times out of ten they will play up to your expectation; but if you are going always to nurse them and not to trust them to do things well, you will never get them to do anything on their own initiative.
from “Patrol Leaders” / June, 1910 / The Scouter / B.-P.'S OUTLOOK

 最高の発展は、班長の権限と責任が実際に彼らの手に置かれている隊で成し遂げられます。多くの隊長の成功の秘訣は、六人の班長がいるならば、彼らを正に副長(Assistant Scoutmasters)のように仕事をさせるということです。隊長は、新しい班を開始するか、既存の班に新人を追加することで、自分の隊を維持しそして大きくすることができることに気付くことになります。

 Many Scoutmasters and others did not, at first, recognise the extraordinary value which they could get out of the Patrol system if they liked to use it, but I think that most of them seem to be realising this more and more. The Patrol system, after all, is merely putting your boys into permanent gangs under the leadership of one of their own number, which is their natural organisation whether bent on mischief or for amusement. But to get first-class results from this system you have to give the leader a real freehanded responsibility ― if you only give partial responsibility you will only get partial results. By thus using your Leaders as officers you save yourself an infinite amount of the troublesome detail work. At the same time, the main object is not so much saving the Scoutmaster trouble as to give responsibility to the boy, since this is the very best of all means for developing character. It is generally the boy with the most character who rises to be the leader of a mischief gang. If you apply this natural scheme to your own needs it brings the best results.
 It is the business of the Scoutmaster to give the aim, and the several Patrols in a Troop vie with each other in attaining it, and thus the standard of keenness and work is raised all round.
from “Patrols” / May, 1914 / The Scouter / B.-P.'S OUTLOOK

 当初、多くの隊長や他の人たちは、パトロールシステムから得られる特別な価値を認識していませんでした。でも今日ではほとんどの人がこれを認識しつつあるようです。パトロールシステムは、少年を、単に、仲間の一人のリーダーシップのもとにある恒常的ギャング集団に入れているだけのことです。それは、いたずらや娯楽をたしなむ自然な組織です。しかしこのシステムから一流の結果を得るためには、そのリーダーに本当の意味の自由裁量のもとの責任を与える必要があります。― 部分的な責任では、部分的な結果しか得られません。このようにこのリーダーを隊の幹部として活用することにより、隊長の面倒で細かい作業を無限に節約できます。同時にこれの主な目的は、隊長の労苦を軽減することではなく、少年に責任を与えることです。これは、品性・人格(character)を育成するためのすべての手段の中で最も良いからです。通常、いたずらギャングのリーダーになるのは、最も品性・人格(character)の高い少年です。この自然な工夫・企図(scheme)を自分のニーズに適用すれば、最良の結果が得られます。

 The Patrol System has also a great character-training value if it is used aright. It leads each boy to see that he has some individual responsibility for the good of his Patrol. It leads each Patrol to see that it has definite responsibility for the good of the Troop. Through it the Scoutmaster is able to pass on not only his instruction but his ideas as to the moral outlook of his Scouts. Through it the Scouts themselves gradually learn that they have considerable say in what their Troop does. It is the Patrol System that makes the Troop, and all Scouting for that matter, a real co-operative effort.
from “Aids To Scoutmastership” / 1920


 An invaluable step in character training is to put responsibility on to the individual. This is immediately gained in appointing a Patrol Leader to responsible command of his Patrol. It is up to him to take hold of and to develop the qualities of each boy in his Patrol.
from “Aids To Scoutmastership” / 1920


 The object of the Patrol System is mainly to give real responsibility to as many of the boys as possible with a view to developing their character. If the Scoutmaster gives his Patrol Leader real power, expects a great deal from him, and leaves him a free hand in carrying out his work, he will have done more for that boy’s character expansion than any amount of school-training could ever do.
 Giving responsibility is the key to success with boys, especially with the rowdiest and most difficult boys.
from “Aids To Scoutmastership” / 1920


 From different sources I have had interesting reports of very satisfactory results of developing the Patrol system. The sum of the whole thing amounts to this ― every individual in the Patrol is made responsible, both in den and in camp, for his definite share in the successful working of the whole.
 This incidentally enhances the Leader’s position and responsibilities, and develops the individual interest and civic capability of each member, while it builds a stronger esprit de corps for the group.
 The Patrol constitutes itself a Council:
  Patrol Leader  responsible as Chairman.
  Second    Vice-Chairman and Quartermaster in charge of Stores, etc.
  No. 1 Scout  Scribe.
  No. 2 Scout  Treasurer.
  No. 3 Scout  Keeper of the Den.
  No. 4 Scout  Games Manager.
  No. 5 Scout  Librarian.
 The Council considers such subjects as, for instance, which badges the Patrol should specially go in for, where to camp or hike, etc., football and cricket matches, athletic sports and displays, and suggests questions to be considered and ruled upon by the Troop Court of Honour.
 The Scribe keeps the Minutes of this Council as record, which are read out at the following meeting as usual to be corrected previous to their signature by the Chairman (the Patrol Leader).
 The Scribe also has the duty of keeping a Patrol log in which are recorded each week, briefly, the doings of the Patrol at home or in the field.
 The existence of these Patrol Councils, when conducted with proper procedure, at once raises the status of the Troop Court of Honour. If carried out with the correct routine and ceremonial of a business meeting, the Court of Honour becomes a sort of Upper Chamber of considerable importance in the eyes of the boys, as they take a close interest in its findings; and the whole thing becomes a valuable and practical education to them in “civics.”
 Then, in camp, a similar delegation of duties to the individual members of the Patrol has an excellent effect both on the success of the outing and in educating the boys.
 For instance, the distribution of work may be made on some such lines as these:
  Patrol Leader  In supreme charge, responsible for assigning duties and seeing that they are carried out.
  Second Leader  Quartermaster in charge of supplies of food and equipment and first aid.
  No. 1 Scout   Cook, preparing meals.
  No. 2 Scout   Scribe, keeping accounts of moneys and stores, keeps log of the camp or hike.
  No. 3 Scout   Pioneer, making drains, bridges, latrines.
  No. 4 Scout   Sanitation; keeping camp clean, incinerator.
  No. 5 Scout   Axeman; supplying firewood. Fireman and waterman, has charge of cooking or camp fire and of water supply.
from “Development of the Patrol System” / August, 1922 / The Scouter / B.-P.'S OUTLOOK

  パトロールリーダー 議長として責任を持ちます。
  次長        副議長及び需品管理等。
  第1スカウト    書記。
  第2スカウト    会計係。
  第3スカウト    パトロール集会場管理係。
  第4スカウト    ゲームマネージャー。
  第5スカウト    図書係。
 評議会は、例えば、パトロールが特に取得すべきバッジ、キャンプやハイキングの場所、フットボールやクリケットの試合、スポーツや展示などの問題を検討し、隊の名誉会議(Troop Court of Honour)で検討および裁定すべき問題を提案します。
  パトロールリーダー 最高責任者として、メンバーに任務を割り当て、それが実行されるように監督する責任を負います。
  次長        需品管理者として、食料や装備の供給、そして応急処置を担当します。
  第1スカウト    炊事係、食事の準備を担当します。
  第2スカウト    書記、金銭や物資の記録を取り、キャンプやハイキングの記録を取ります。
  第3スカウト    工作係、排水溝、橋、トイレを設けます。
  第4スカウト    衛生係、キャンプ地の清潔維持、焼却。
  第5スカウト    斧使い、薪を供給します。火と水の管理者、調理やキャンプファイヤーにおける給水を担当します。

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 The Patrol System and Letters to a Patrol Leader (カナダ ScoutsCan.comウェブサイト)
 AIDS TO SCOUTMASTERSHIP (隊長の手引) (カナダ ScoutsCan.com ウェブサイト)
 「隊長の手引」 ボーイスカウト日本連盟訳 (やんちゃ隊の資料庫 ウェブサイト)
 「班長のてびき」 ウィリアム ヒルコート著 BS日連訳 (ボーイスカウト岡山連盟ウェブサイト)
 アメリカボーイスカウトの班制度・班長訓練 ( BSA ウェブサイト)
 BOY SCOUTS HANDBOOK The First Edition,1911,BSA(The Project Gutenberg EBook)
 Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster Leader Specific Training (BSAウェブサイト)
 SCOUTMASTER HANDBOOK, Boy Scouts of America

ボーイスカウト運動についての諸考察 (2014.10.5)
スカウティングに託されたB-Pスピリット (2019.8.27)
「隊長の手引」に記されたB-Pスピリット (2015.8.14)
ローバーリング ツウ サクセス に記されたB-Pスピリット (2015.8.15)
「パトロール システム」に記されたフィリップスのスピリット (2015.9.26)
進歩制度に託されたB-Pスピリット (2015.10.14)
信仰の奨励に託されたB-Pスピリット (2015.10.12)
野外活動に託されたB-Pスピリット (2015.11.29)
スカウト運動に託したB-Pスピリット (2016.7.14)
“ちかい”と“おきて”に託したB-Pスピリット (2016.12.12)
ベーデン-パウエルのラストメッセージ B-P's Last Message
ボーイスカウト研究 (1979.12.14)
ボーイスカウト実践記 (1980.4.28)
ボーイスカウト活動プログラムの紹介 (1998.6.20)
《資料》 スカウティング フォア ボーイズ 序文(1940年)


「パトロール システム」に記されたフィリップスのスピリット SFE 
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